Tag Archives: Public safety

Don’t feed the bears

Notice from the town… Just in case you were thinking of throwing raw meat in your back yard:

During the past week there have been three bear sightings in West Hartford.  Bears are very active this time of year.  They pose very little threat to residents, but DEP has issued the following recommendations to us:

1)      Never feed the bears.

2)      Remove bird feeders from late March through November. 

3)      Add a few capfuls of ammonia to trash bags and garbage cans to mask food odors.  Keep trash bags in a container with a tight lid and store in the garage.

4)      Thoroughly clean grills after each use.

5)      Do not leave pet food outside overnight.

6)      Do not add meat or sweets to compost piles.

Please report bear sightings to the DEP Wildlife Division at 860-675-8130.  If a bear is acting aggressively toward a person or attempting to enter a home, please call the West Hartford Police Department at 523-5203 or 911.

Anyone know where people saw the bears? I want to know if I should worry.




Filed under West Hartford