Category Archives: Mill rate

8.5 percent is too much

The Courant’s town budget story today demonstrates again that a budget fight is shaping up. They’re looking to hike spending by 8.5 percent and to set the mill rate at 31.43 — at a time when 24 mills is about the right number to hold taxes steady for most homeowners.

Now I accept that taxes must rise because expenses go up. But even a 20 percent hike in tax bills brings us to only 28.8 or so. And that’s a killer increase all by itself.

They’re looking to push the average homeowner’s tax bill up by a third.

Of course, the politicians are promising cuts, which is fine. And there may yet be a phase-in that would ease the crunch.

But there’s no way to deny any longer that we’re all about to get slammed. Let the moaning begin.

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Filed under Mill rate, News, Property taxes, Taxes, Town government, West Hartford Taxpayers Association