Category Archives: Sedgwick

Why are 5th grade parents silent?

To save $312K, the Board of Ed is eyeing a plan to “reduce staffing at KP and Sedgwick in grade 6 from 3 full teams per grade to 2 full teams and 1 half team. Based on current enrollment projections, the maximum class size would rise from 19 to 24 per class in grade 6.”

Read that again, parents. Fifth graders would be on BIGGER TEAMS in BIGGER CLASSES at middle schools that are already BIG. What they’re looking at is raising class sizes by 32 percent. That’s stunning at such a vulnerable age.

You folks who are aquiver at cutting taxes can try to explain why it’s more important that you save 1/10 of a mill than that our sixth graders who are just entering middle school should suddenly go to classes that are 32 percent larger than they are this year.



Filed under Board of Education, budget, education, KP, News, Schools, Sedgwick