Category Archives: Dodd

Dodd, Obama score most West Hartford donations

The Washington Post helpfully breaks down presidential fundraising by town, so we can see who’s getting what from West Hartford donors.  

Third Quarter 2007 & 2007 Fundraising by Candidate

Candidate Q3 2007 Overall
Chris Dodd $5,752 $104,352
Barack Obama $5,039 $36,032
Hillary Rodham Clinton $2,360 $6,760
John Edwards $1,250 $7,450
Bill Richardson $1,000 $1,500
Joe Biden $0 $500
Fred Thompson $1,250 $1,250
John McCain $1,030 $1,830
Rudy Giuliani $900 $1,150
Mitt Romney $80 $1,056
Jim Gilmore $0 $500
Duncan Hunter $0 $250


Filed under Clinton, Dodd, fundraising, News, Obama, West Hartford

West Hartford, 1956

From  an Aug. 19th Bloomberg News piece by Al Hunt, about U.S. Sen. Chris Dodd:

Dodd, the son of a senator and himself a lifelong politician, exudes an easy charm and an engaging humor. He’s a natural campaigner who loves to meet and talk to voters.

After a recent event in Decorah, Iowa, he wandered around a Nordic Day celebration, reminiscing that Midwestern culture was strikingly similar to his childhood experiences in Connecticut decades earlier: “It was West Hartford, 1956.”

So even though Dodd is rarely seen in these parts anymore, he does remember us.

Here, by the way, is Decorah, Iowa:

Decorah, Iowa

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Filed under Dodd