Category Archives: Hartford Advocate

Pawn shop has no place in West Hartford

The Hartford Advocate has a sickeningly sympathetic story today about Seth Boynick, a commercial real estate broker whose application for a pawn shop on Park Road got unanimously rejected by town councilors last month.


Filed under Hartford Advocate, Park Road, pawn shop, Seth Boynick, West Hartford economy, Zoning

“For a good time, call Jennifer”

It’s a little unsettling to see that Jennifer Abel, who introduced herself here as The Hartford Advocate’s new West Hartford reporter not long ago, is writing this week about doing phone sex for hard-up guys.

I suppose, though, that if Mayor Slifka calls her about some story, he can always hope she’ll be on the other job again, cooing softly at him and moaning rather than asking him hard questions.


Filed under Hartford Advocate, Jennifer Abel, Newspapers

Lame skatepark story in the Advocate

Putting is such sweet sorrow.

It’s nice to see some attention focused on this issue, but, really, is this claptrap our alternative news?

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Filed under Hartford Advocate, News, Recreation, Skatepark, Town government